pleetm's blog






伊藤比呂美さんは「歎異抄」(親鸞の死後,信徒の間に種々の異説がおこったのに対して,正統な教義を示すことを目的として編集されたもの )をはじめ、親鸞に向き合います。




I'm an atheist, but religion is something people cannot avoid. And it is true that religious doctrines contain some truth.

The author, Ms Ito, has been faced with Tannnisho, which was edited and described by an apperentice named Yuien being mentored by Shinran, the founder of Jodoshishu, one branch of Buddism.

This book depicts her trips and donctrines in parallel, which tells me that understanding religion is a physical act because reading the doctrine many times has deepened her interpretations on it. 

Furthermore, this made me learn that it is essential to seek for the truth and translate into your own words.  This process may have coincided with what Yuien did.  As he douted, asked, understood and described, we do the same. The series of work may be the way to get closer to the truth.