pleetm's blog















手のひらの京 (新潮文庫)

手のひらの京 (新潮文庫)

  • 作者:綿矢 りさ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
  • 発売日: 2019/03/28
  • メディア: 文庫

 There are three sisters living in Kyoto.  They are different from each other in terms of personality and way of living.  But what is common among them is that they have love for familiy, hometown and themselves.  They are very sensitive and affectionate to keep balance with each other.

Also, you can see a unique atomosphere in Kyoto so that reading the book will surely make you feel living there.  It is very comfortable and depressing at the same time.

Moreover, the conversation between the father and Rin, the third child in the familiy was quite impressive.

'What makes you want to go to Tokyo for work?'

'I feel a sense I will not be able to be out of Kyoto any longer if I miss this chance.'

'Kyoto is a protected, but confined as I put it into word.'

'Now, I still see a breakage through which I manage to go out, but it is getting smaller and it is liekely to be closed completely so that I will be able to notice the existence of the hole.  I can't wait, if I wait, I will loose someting important inside me. '

'We talked a lot today. Let's go to bed early tonight.'


This comversation gives me a thought of how incomplete words would be to describe how you feel right now, but it gives us more stiff emotion behind the words.  So, incompletness expresses more important stuff.  And the harder you express by word, the more far away your words gets from what you think.







































森毅ベスト・エッセイ (ちくま文庫)

森毅ベスト・エッセイ (ちくま文庫)

  • 作者:森 毅
  • 出版社/メーカー: 筑摩書房
  • 発売日: 2019/09/10
  • メディア: 文庫



数学受験術指南 (中公文庫)

数学受験術指南 (中公文庫)


It has passed five years since I read the former book written by Mori.  Time flies.  His books always inculde phrases and words that comfor, inspire and enligten me.

A frequently asked question, 'Why do you live?'.  He answers 'For living your own drama.'  If other people said so, it would make me feel pretending.  If he says, however, his words can be delivered to my heart directly and very pleasantly.  This seems to be because his words come from himself adn it is not words he borrowed from other persons and books.

Another question comes up, 'Why do you study?'

You don't need to think about whether something in front of you will be useful in the future.  You need to work on something that please you much right now.  You just need to feel like learning what you need to know just now.

'Study' in the question means study you do when you prepare exams, for example.  Such a thing is not so clear in terms of its utility that you don't have to do it.  Rather than that, if you do something that please you, it will turn out to be learning to you.  In other words, even if you do something you don't feel pleased when doing, it doesn't always give you learning.

 In addition, he says,

You might as well think about how to get along with study pleasantly.

Thinking of it should be one of the ways that pleases you.  He proposes you try to enjoy and if it doesn't work, you can give up, through which you can learn more.


He also cherishes to keep your heart expanded.

It can be expanded by,

The situation where you have to overcome your limitation of knowledges and skills.

You can obtain more capability when you are wondering.

I also think people tend to try to think hard in such a situation.  So I suppose people who live life without any troubles may be too weak to overcome trouble.  Moreover, what's worse would be that you stop thinking when confronting barrier.

Not only that, he says,

You will know more when you make mistakes.

I understand from this sentense, that you try to think hard and you make mistakes, but it is not the end.  If you make a mistake, you will know a little more about what is right.


Then, he refers to secret.

For people, secret is critical. It is much important than being honest. If you lie to yourself to keep the secret, you should lie others.  That's better. 


Also, he touches upon how to get along with others.

You may have people that have favor with you, but you should take care not to be surrounded by such people.  This is because if you have only favorale peopel around you, you will lose yourself.

It would be common that people are willing to be in their comfort zones.  However, he say we shouldn't be always there.  You have to have not only the  people who say yes to you, but also people who say NO to you.  People saying no to you will probably more precious as you get older.  I wish my sorrounding would be enlightning and at the same time I wish I could be part of an enlightening environment to others.


Trust can be mentioned as,

Trust is not that you leave all to the other.  Trust is something can be built each other by people who do their things themselves.  

You may call trust when you hear 'it will be OK if you leave it on him.'  This is, however, not a trust at all.  It is not until you believe the ability of the other that you feel happy when you get left with something by him/ her.  Othewise you should feel uncomfortable with it.  It suggest we be the persons that others want to entrust something to.  This will lead to constructing relationship of mutual trust.


Parents should teach their children as follows;

People bother others and hurt them.  And they live in such a relationship.

You shouldn't be a person that does only a good thing.  It is egotism.

Don't be a person that thinks you haven't hurted others ever.  You are truly incensitive.

 It is commonly said in Japan that you must not bother others.  But truth is comlpleteluy converse.  For expample, you may hurt others when you try to do something good.  In such a situation, we shouldn't say 'I wasn't meaning to hurting you', 'I was trying to do something good.' You should accept the situation where you bother and hurt others and lean from it. It meas you live in a realationship.






献灯使 (講談社文庫)

献灯使 (講談社文庫)


 It containes a series of short stories including the story entiting this book.

It mainly describes the world without human beings and the world where human is no longer human.  Through reading it, you will find `what human is`.  The world without hman is not necessarily desperate and rather gives you a wish and make you feel a strong will to live.

Personally I liked 'babel of animals'. Animals has been away from desastraous flood, where human being does not exist any more.  In such a world, they are trying to talk with each other to formulate the world where they don't need to rely on human beings.  However, the more they talk, the more humanic the conversation is getting.  This process gives me a thought 'What is human being?'.  It is not simpley because you stand with two legs and use tools.  Being human is more deep thing than superficial.







また、自分には特別な経験はない、と思っている人もいるかもしれませんが、本書には、「人の役に立つ情報は誰もが持っているはず」と書かれています。 この点はまさにそのとおりだと思いますが、同時に人の役に立つように伝える能力や、何が人の役立つのか、に気づく能力もとても大事だと思いました。そのあたりが本書の著者の方が優れているのだと思います。

転職と副業のかけ算 生涯年収を最大化する生き方

転職と副業のかけ算 生涯年収を最大化する生き方

  • 作者:moto
  • 出版社/メーカー: 扶桑社
  • 発売日: 2019/08/09
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

 This book will be useful to all working people whether or not you think of changing jobs and starting side jobs.  This is because reading it will help you take a look at how you should behave in your organization.  This reminds you of the importance of market value of you.  Moreover, this will help you install into yourself 'salary is not what you can get from a company, but what you earn by your competence'.

Saying so is easy and doing is tough.  In spite of that, awareness is essentially important becuse this will make you think about 'what you can do as an individual'.

Also, he says 'everyone has something informative to someone'.  This words are encouraging, and at the ame time the ability to deliver the information to people in a usuful manner and what will be useful to someone else.  This would be hisu unique advantage over other people.











実際の事業を運営するための教科書としても非常に参考になりました。自分なら、 どこに本屋を置くか、どうやって宣伝するか、どんな人にきてもらいたいか。本書では、「実は、みんな本を紹介されたがっている」と書かれていました。確かにそうだと思います。でも、僕は反対もあるのではないか、と思いました。「実は、人は本を紹介したがっている。」のではないか。「この本は自分は好きだけど、人には。。」という本があったり、「この本を世界中の人が読めばいいのに。」という本をお持ちの方もいるのではないでしょうか。もし、自分が本屋をやるなら、だれもが自分の好きな本をお勧めできるコーナーを作りたいと思います。自分が本を紹介した棚があって、その本の売れ方をみたり、感想を聞けたりしたら、面白くないでしょうか。


本屋、はじめました 増補版 (ちくま文庫)

本屋、はじめました 増補版 (ちくま文庫)




本屋、はじめました: 新刊書店Title開業の記録

本屋、はじめました: 新刊書店Title開業の記録

  • 作者:辻山 良雄
  • 出版社/メーカー: 苦楽堂
  • 発売日: 2017/01/24
  • メディア: 単行本

 I have begun a book store.

I wish I could say so.  When reading, I find myself thinking of what my bookstore will be, where it will be loated, and what people will come there.  Also, it makes me think about how I have been related to books and bookstores.

I was born and raised in a rural area, which gave me less opportunities to visit a huge bookstrore and I used to go to small bookstores nearby.  Most of the bookstores don't run any longer, but when I was young, they were still open so that I often visit there.  What reminds me of would be a bookstore near my station.  It was not a special bookstore at all and thier inventory was not so unusual that it always showed me the same face.  In fact, it doesn't always sell new books and popolar books, and in particular, its paper back corner looked like a fossil.  There were Tanizaki, Mishima, Abe's books that seemed to remain not being bought by anyone for a long time.

I think, however, this gave me a relief somehow.  I was there after a part time job, school and cram school.  Althouth the book faces looked the same, I picked up different books day to day. I don't know why it was, but I think that the bookstore reflected myself inside of me and showed me a different aspects, whicn made me find a slight change of myself.  Moreover, it accepted the change however it was.

Apart from the bookstore, there were some bookstores in my memory.  The bookstore in a department store I brought by my mother felt like a very special place to me, the booksotre on the third floor of the supermarket let me read a book sitting instead of not allowing me to reading standing, and the bookstore near my grandfather's house was a good memory, where I bought a book and read it on one go for the first time when people around me looked happy, whch was what I remember.

I think there was such a place at every station and in every town.  It might not be a bookstore, but to me, it was a bookstore.

The author was also impressed by a bookstore experience in his young age and he has been cherishing it and put it into running a bookstore.


If you read the book, you will find 'everyone want someone to introduce his recommended books', but I think the opposite may be also the case. It is ''everyone want to recommend his/her books.'  Perhaps people want to know if his favorite books are liked by others, and some people may wish this book would be read by all people of the world. If I ran a bookstore, I would set up a shelf where anyone recommend his favorite books along with some description.  Don't you thinks it would be interesting if you have your own shelf in somebody's bookstore? Wouldn't it be interesting if you can see and hear the reaction of the readers? 





虐殺器官〔新版〕 (ハヤカワ文庫JA)

虐殺器官〔新版〕 (ハヤカワ文庫JA)


The first thing that come to your mind when you read the book would be the sense of speed.  You will feel hopping over the sentences.  In spite of the theme that is heavy, your eyes are kept running once you start reading.  I think you can see there are a lot that keep bringing your attention.  In fact, you will see a lot of the active voices, which move you forward.  Also, the way of depicut has a good impact in terms of creating a peculiar atomosphere the novel has.  It creates vivid scenary on your mind, which also brings you into the novel world.

The theme was what makes you feel alive in the dystopia, which is described so that you can feel it easily.









Giri/Haji Trailer (BBC Two)


It’s on Netflix in association with BBC.

Usually Japan that is depicted by other countries is different from what it is and what you know. I often feel it when I see movies and videos that handle japan. But it was beyond my anticipation. Japan and Japanese looked very natural to Japanese. It led me to being immersed with the story itself.

The story is about Japanese yakuza and mafia in UK.  A person stepped himself into the world of yakuza. Although he is a good person actually, he was getting confined into the world as he struggled. I thought it was meant by the title of the drama ‘duty and shame’. It is depicting the world of yakuza, but I think most people feel the same sort of emotion in their daily lives. For example, in the case that you are trying to fix human relationship among some people, you tend to try not to offend all people in relation. But the harder you try, the more tangled the situation will be. And as a result, you found that you had offended all people after all and you regret that. If you could back the time, you might have changed something, or you might have chosen different options at that time. But, of course you can’t go back to the past, you have only to look forward, then you fail something again. I found the strength to live in spite of regret. That was heavy, but I felt it was filled with wish.

I promise you will watch all the eisodes in one go!








 This book attracted me because it is written by a former diplomat, which means that he is highly experienced in communication.

However, the contents seems too general to me a little bit. It well summarizes a wide variety of frequently seen stories and scientific knowlege on communication, especially active listening.  Therefore, it didn't give me more than it.  Having said that, this book would be quite recommendable to people who want to know what they should do when listening in genaral sense.




未必のマクベス (ハヤカワ文庫JA)

未必のマクベス (ハヤカワ文庫JA)


The advertisement on the book was,

'You would have seen such a attractive book only a few times for a while. '


I guess that if you are interested in international business and something like that, it will definitely make you like it.  The book is like a mystery novels, which include elements of economy and romance.

誰も知らない 世界と日本のまちがい 自由と国家と資本主義





誰も知らない 世界と日本のまちがい 自由と国家と資本主義

誰も知らない 世界と日本のまちがい 自由と国家と資本主義

  • 作者:松岡 正剛
  • 出版社/メーカー: 春秋社
  • 発売日: 2007/12/20
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

 Great people used to be strange people.

They are not understood by anyone. Howeverm people in the late generation will realize the value.

Considering the fact will lead to building better society.

It means the value of learning history.