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The author of this book is Kunihiko Shimada, who is a professional negotiator.

He has been working with UN, Japan govenment and so on in the field of international negotiations.

He had helped a various affairs get to an agreement.

In this book, you can see a part of the stories behind the scenes and his negotiation skills.

1. Japan's diplomacy

Japan's diploacy is often critisized as 'an invisible diplomacy'.  However, he insists the invisibility is a strength of Japan. The invisible diplomacy derives from the way that Japanese govermental offcers work all together as a team.  In addition, he has pointed out we should make use of our strength.  For that purpose, we should understand our own styles.  What matters is that we think of what style we live with rather than we mind how we look.  This is his message.


2. Success in negotiation

Sharing of a sense of accomplishment is of importance in negotiation. That is to say, 'We got to a conclusion together'. It would lead to ownership of the attendees. What is needed for the success is that a proposal should not be perfect and remain to be improved in order to give the attendees a feeling like: 'We got a benefit from this negotiation'; 'Our opinion is reflected on the agreement'.

You can say that success in negotiation is contained in a negotiation process itself rather than the result of the negotiation.


3. Useful Skills

Why does the counter part need/want it ?  This is a simple question, but it is often overlooked, he mantioned.  A solution is often created from this simple question.

Another point is to take care of benefit as a whole.  To get this, he proposes 'package negotiation'. Imagine you got 7 agrrements and 3 disagreements in 10 issues. In this case, he asks 'Do you abandon 7 benefits for 3 disagreements'.  From this question, a road to compromise would be found.


Not only above, you can see a broad range of topics in negotiation and work life.


交渉プロフェッショナル (NHK出版新書 417)

交渉プロフェッショナル (NHK出版新書 417)