pleetm's blog




I watched the movie "Like dad, like son".


I sensed that this was a movie that made me think how you will respond to and accept something that is not controled by you.  In this movie, children were exchanged after birth at a hospital mistakenly.  6 years after the incident, a geneic survey revealed the fact.  The families wondered how to do.

When you face the situation, which do you choose? Will you choose your genetic chilld that has been raised by the other family or a non genetic child that you have been raising?  There may be a clear answer to this and it would depend on the situation you will face. 

However, I think it is worth to think about what makes you belongs to your family: gene or environment.  I don't also know what defines you as a father, but when I watched the movie, I thought that your children made you their father.  What I mean by this is that you are a father if your child accepts that you are a father. It doesn't matter whether you have a blood connection or not. This is the time you can become a father in a real sense. 








When you graduate from the university and begin to work, you will deeply feel that you have difficulty having a sense of self-affirmation.  The reason for this is that you get evaluated by others about your working performance.  Certainly, you may have compliment, but you will probably get told off by your boss much more frequenty.  If you are able to think of yourself to be valuable, you will manage to live in any circumstances.

However, this is really difficult.  This is because you are not willing to continue having self-confidence even though you find your weak points by getting pointed out.  Nonetheless, you - only you-  have to think of yourself to a person who has some value.

So, you will wonder how you can have such a confidence.  What can you do so that you are not afraid that you get evaluated by others?  One of the answers is that you focus on the present.  It seems that the fear derives from your memory in the past.  You need to concentrate what you are doing now with the memeory separated.  I believe you can proceed.  






I don't know と I'm not sure (=I'm unsure)

何か聞かれて分からない、ということはあると思います。そんな時、I don't know.ってすぐ浮かんできますよね。でも、実はネイティブにはこのように聞こえるんだそうです。

I don't know.:そのことについて、知識は全くありません。

I'm not sure.:十分な意見を述べるほどには十分ではないけれども、多少の知識はある。


I'm not sureであれば、後ろに、

I'm not sure, but let me find out.


I can't(できません)とは言わない。


I'm having difficulty ~(finding your email).


Well, John, It's been really nice speaking [talking] with you.  I especially enjoyed hearing about your interest in your work [family /art/ trip].  But I need to see a few more people beore it gets too late. [You must want to talk with some othe people, so perhaps we should minge a bit more.] Maybe we'll have a chance to talk more later.  It was great to meet(初対面) / so good to see(2回目以降) you!






日本人の知らないワンランク上のビジネス英語術 エール大学厳選30講

日本人の知らないワンランク上のビジネス英語術 エール大学厳選30講

  • 作者: ウィリアム・A・ヴァンス,神田房枝(監訳)
  • 出版社/メーカー: CCCメディアハウス
  • 発売日: 2011/03/29
  • メディア: 単行本
  • 購入: 5人 クリック: 29回
  • この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る












人生にゆとりを生み出す 知の整理術

人生にゆとりを生み出す 知の整理術


This book organizes how you enhance produtivity and creativity without burdening your brain, which is really useful.

Reading this book will provide you with a new discovery that you haven't noticed so far and may also scientificallly verify actions you have done to improve yourself  without consciousness.

Let me take an example: how to use a notebook.

How to use a notebook has been a significant problem to me  for a long time.  This is because I believed I should fix a notebook you use due to a book 'Information should be arranged in one notebook.'  I tried using various notebook from small to big and side line type or section type notebook, which resulted in findin any perfect notebook after all.

However, this book recommend that you should a notebook accoding to its purpose. Specifically speaking, you should use a big size notebook is for brainstorming and producing new idea and small size notebook for managing a timeline and so on.  Cretainly, I feel comfortable when you use A4 size and section note book for createin somethig new.  That's the reason why this book is very convincing.

Other than above, you don't buy all books you want to read. In order to do so, this book is tellilng you how you place  a prioritization on which book you should buy.

In addtion, 'flow' and 'stock' of information is an aspect that has never occured to me.  By using this flow and stock idea can help you think of something new and remember  something you want to.


谷川俊太郎 星空の質問箱







































 This is written by Shuntaro Tanigawa, who is a famous poet in Japan.

The book intended to answer questions peole asked him.

The questions varies ranging from trivial to essential things, but he, Tanigawa is quite serious about answering those questions while enjoying it.

Why do people forget? But often we don't forget things that are really trivial.

He answered,

It may be because an entrance to an essential thing that you don't forget such trivial things.

When you rememer something in the past, it is trur that you may think you remember a lot of trivial things. To my interest, when you talk about the past with your friends in school days, you will remember different things from them.  This is because unconsciousness havs worked and your memory was spontaneously cooked in each person in different manner.  So I think you may get a hint to capture yourself by remembering what trivila things ahave been stuck in your mind.


What do you take care of when you meet someone for the first time?

You should make the person aware of the fact that you are interested in him/her.

In order to do so, you bring conversation to the topic that the person is interested in rather than you.

 This is not so easy for me to do so. Especially when I'm stressed out, I don't feel lilke listening to other people's talk. So, I will say it to myself repeatedly.


What work will I do? What acdult will I become? 

If you don't find adults you want to become, you should aim at becoming an decent person.  You should be try to become an adult that thinks what help other people rather than yourself.  If you can do it, I believe you can have a good face that everyone will like.

In my case, I can't say what I want to say at a good tining. I wish I could say something in the right timing and it would help people. That is my ideal.


Person who pretend as if you are a moral person

If you deeply understand that what you do for other people will benefit yourself and you come to mind less and less about difference between you and other, the feelilng of pretending will disappear.

I want to have this perception on constant basis.

What is emotion?

 You are saying about 'feeling' rather than 'emotion'. 

Emotion can be more controlable than feeling. 

I have never thought about the difference between emotion and feeling. I think I could control what you sense if you have this idea. 















 This book is focusing on making outputs in English.

I think this book is good enough to read, but it will become much better and worth read again and again if it has case studies. This book notes general things in learning Englilsh and it looks like it is advertising its authors seminar.

I thinkf the points the book refers to is very interesting and usefull and it would be better if it were more concrete.

Nevertheless, there are two of the things the book proposes I wannt to do.

1. Easy dictation

2. Self introduction on active base


1. Easy dictation

 This is writing the words you are listening to, but the difference from orrdinary dictation is taking note of the word you listend to in the time set.

You set the time to listen for seven minuites for example. And do it several times.

You check the number of words you lilstened to and time you spent.

By doing so. you can track your progress.

2. Self introduction on active base

This is westernised self introduction. Japanse style is fact based one.

You say (1) what you have done so far and its consequence, (2) what you are doing now, and (3) what do you want to do in the future.

The amount of the introduction is about 5 sheets of A4 paper.

文章予測 読解力の鍛え方 (角川ソフィア文庫)










銭形警部 「あなたの心です」














 I was wandering at the bookstore looking for books that interest me.

I read this book without special expectation, but this was very interesting than I anticipated. I think this book contains a lot of ingredients that will serve in speaking nad writhing as well as reading.

The point that makes me think so is this: a popular phrase appearing at the famous movie "Lupen the third: the castle of cagliostro"

Claris:"Lupen didn't steal anythig. He fought for me"

zenigata: "No, he have stolen something incredible"


Zenigta: "It's your heart."


How do you think you can build up such an attractive phrase.

There is a method to do so, the aouthor tells us.

(1) He has stolen ---- . It's your heart.

AT first, you divide into two sentence.

(2) He has stolen something. It's your heart.

Secondly, you insert a word that doesn't have sustantial meaning.

(3)He has stolen something incredible.

You attach the adjctive word that attracts readers and liteners.


I thought this would be usefull in making presentation and a small talk.

You put the plain sentance at the first place on your word, which makes conversation rich and gives lilsteners a signal of direction of the talk.


文章予測 読解力の鍛え方 (角川ソフィア文庫)

文章予測 読解力の鍛え方 (角川ソフィア文庫)













純ジャパニーズの迷わない英語勉強法 (実用外国語)

純ジャパニーズの迷わない英語勉強法 (実用外国語)


I think that this book provide us with very practical advice in terms of English study and intended for Japanese English learners so that the advices would be very easy to work on.

This book tell us how important speaking competence comes firsrt before any other competences. I was very convinced and thought this will become a mainstreaming for English study.

She explained the strategy for speaking, which is '50 basic phrases'.

The phrased are the fundamental for any other type of sentences: question sentences, past sentences and so on. They are a startpoint for all speaking and should be trained untill they come from our mouths without thinking. 

This remaids me that I haven't done such things thoroughly so that I will try to make it a rule to do this excercise.

In addition to that, adding 3 phrases a day will give us a signifiant effect on improving your English. I often just hear Engllish without aims and so this would give me a incentive to use your English brain.

To go to the  listening, what I thought is interesteing in what she is saying is English Rakugo. It uses simple English and speedy and interesting. I want to try it.

I think there are more of interesting point in this book, which makes me come back to this book again when I get lost in studying. 








英語できますか?―究極の学習法 (新潮選書)

英語できますか?―究極の学習法 (新潮選書)


I found this book at a bookoff and bought it impulsively.

In spite of impulse byuing, I find this very imformative beyon my expectation.

English, of couse generally all langages, comprises listening, reading, speaking and writting. This book describe concisely what we need to focus in studying English and how the four competence link each other.

Morever, the instruction takes into oconsderation the charactristics of general Japanes: shame, hate mistake. In fact most of such instruction books often say 'just do it', but it slogan is not going along with Japanse characteristics. Rather than that, this book shows us the appropriate approach to Japanese.









I wathed the movie named 'Mix'.

This is a movie that deals with doubles table tennis aog with a romantic affair.

I guess you can enjoy this movie with no background knowledge.

What's more, there are seen and heard phrases that would stick in your mind.

For example,

What are you working for?

It is not for yourself. It is to shine people around you.

Because they are working to shine you.


I have thought this movie associated me with the book below.


([や]2-4)ミックス。 (ポプラ文庫)

([や]2-4)ミックス。 (ポプラ文庫)