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人生にゆとりを生み出す 知の整理術

人生にゆとりを生み出す 知の整理術


This book organizes how you enhance produtivity and creativity without burdening your brain, which is really useful.

Reading this book will provide you with a new discovery that you haven't noticed so far and may also scientificallly verify actions you have done to improve yourself  without consciousness.

Let me take an example: how to use a notebook.

How to use a notebook has been a significant problem to me  for a long time.  This is because I believed I should fix a notebook you use due to a book 'Information should be arranged in one notebook.'  I tried using various notebook from small to big and side line type or section type notebook, which resulted in findin any perfect notebook after all.

However, this book recommend that you should a notebook accoding to its purpose. Specifically speaking, you should use a big size notebook is for brainstorming and producing new idea and small size notebook for managing a timeline and so on.  Cretainly, I feel comfortable when you use A4 size and section note book for createin somethig new.  That's the reason why this book is very convincing.

Other than above, you don't buy all books you want to read. In order to do so, this book is tellilng you how you place  a prioritization on which book you should buy.

In addtion, 'flow' and 'stock' of information is an aspect that has never occured to me.  By using this flow and stock idea can help you think of something new and remember  something you want to.