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Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About The World - And Why Things Are Better Than You Think

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About The World - And Why Things Are Better Than You Think


 I started reading the book a while ago, but I was hopping another books intermittently and finally have finished.

What is the point to be noted by the book is, as mentioned explicitely by the title, to be aware of the fact when you see the world, and to think it in light of the fact.

One of the interesting things that come from being factfulnees are that you will be able to see the world from multple perspectives.  In our ordinary life, you see a lot of simply burificated perspectives, which are widely accepted by people due to its simplicity and easiness to understand.  Moreover, it is so understandable that people tend to be think of it as a right way of thinking.  However, the world has wide spectrum on it so that it is not so easy to split the world into two categories.

This book exemplified it using developing and developed countries.  Once the world could be classified into two types of developed and developing countries.  Now, the world has changed enormously.  For example China and India that are countries called developing countries have developed in a tremendous speed so that they have a huge economic and political power affecting world. This means that the world is not divided into two any longer and consequently the author proposed four categories dvividing the world.

Also, what is important to see the fact.  Various hints are scattered in the book. Without doubt, what is important is the numbers to see the fact.  However what is more important is to have a  better sense of the  reality behind the numbers.  In other words, the number tells you what and doesn't what?  You have a graph in front of you. The graph is scaled approprately?  Should you look at by the absolute number, ratio, or per person?  How you look at the number affects how you lood at the world.



ハーバードの人生が変わる東洋哲学: 悩めるエリートを熱狂させた超人気講義 (ハヤカワ・ノンフィクション文庫)








あからさまではない戦略をとることで、自分の意思をもろに押し付けたのでは到底及ばないほど多くのことをなしとげる 。 




This book is about Koshi,Moshi and Roshi.  I have not read about them, and so it was a good introduction to me.  Nevertherless, it does not necessarily go into detail in terms of its contents.  Therefore, more detail book would be preferable if you want to learn more.  Otherwise, you may be able to know it at a superficial level.


In particular, there was found something I am not able to do, and that is hard to do.  This is the lesson 'you should be weak to be strong'. This is so controvertial, but quite convincing.  To explain this, the example of a moderator of a meeting was raised.

The goal of the meeting is decided.  And you almost assume how you direct the meeting towards.  However, what is important in this situation is to draw participants' raction instead of strongly mentining your own thought.

For the sake of that, you should raise a point to be touched upon and let participants sense the issue to be discussed.  The way of talking and choice of words should be passionate to show your understanding and create atmosphere where participants simultaneously take a couse you expect. 

By taking a strategy that is not exaggerating, you will be able to accomplish more things than you can do by your own.

This example is not limited to a meeting.  You may have various case where you will decide something to do by discussing with others.  In such cases, I tend to insist my own thought.

How can we create a good atmosphere? This is really difficult to me, but to some people can do it.  This is so surprising to me.  Although i think I will be able to do it so easily, I want to be aware of it when communicating others. 



ハーバードの人生が変わる東洋哲学: 悩めるエリートを熱狂させた超人気講義 (ハヤカワ・ノンフィクション文庫)

ハーバードの人生が変わる東洋哲学: 悩めるエリートを熱狂させた超人気講義 (ハヤカワ・ノンフィクション文庫)







This book 'Origin' is written by Dan Brown.   His novel makes me feel that he has so deeply investigated on the subject he wants to write about.  This depth is so tremendous that I hardly distinguish between imagination and facts. He is able to do so as always.  This is so surprising.  At the same time, reading it made me have a sense that is similar with when I read 'Homo Deus'.

In addition, the theme setting is also very interesting.  It is about AI (science) and religion.  This has been a prolonged discussion so far from the aspect of contradicted explanation for human being.  This book is face with this most-difficult-ever problem and described its future prediction with a quite realistic feeling. 

The present is shaped by accumulation of the past. And the future will be formed by the accumulation of sequential present moments.  In other words, living in the present moment is to create the future.  In further other words, telling the present means to think about the future.

How you capture the present moment, how you position it in the steame of a long history, and how you direct it.  These mean that you are living in a moment and at the same time you live in the future.

オリジン【角川文庫 上中下合本版】

オリジン【角川文庫 上中下合本版】






オリジン 上 (角川文庫)

オリジン 上 (角川文庫)




オリジン 中 (角川文庫)

オリジン 中 (角川文庫)




オリジン 下 (角川文庫)

オリジン 下 (角川文庫)



シャーロック・ホームズの思考術 (ハヤカワ・ノンフィクション文庫)



シャーロック・ホームズの思考術 (ハヤカワ・ノンフィクション文庫)

 Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous detective Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had come up with many years ago.  However, his way of thinking in terms of using information is not old at all even now and rather getting more important in the modern society where there a flood of information coming and going around us.  Moreover, it made me think he would be quite successful even if he had been born and work at present world with his exceotionally great detective ability.

As mentioned above, his way of handling inforomation is definitely useful whenever we live.  One of the things that made me think so is the sentence 'What is impossible is not improbable.'  This hits on me because this kind of thing is often seen in our ordinary life. For example, I suppose there are many people that rule out possibility by thinking of it improbable in unconscious manner, but it is actually not impossible and it is actually possible in some way.  So, I thought by reading this book, we should remind us that we often pick information before us without finding doing it.  And embaracing this fact in our mind may enable us to think about issues we have to be faced with by coming up with many options and possibilities and avoid getting us into silo.





author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

ESG投資 新しい資本主義のかたち

読みました。ESG投資について非常にわかりやすく解説されており、金融の世界でおぼろげながら何が起きているか少しわかった気がします。ESGはEnvironment、Sustainability、Cooperate Governanceの総称であり、投資判断をする際にこの3つの要素を考慮に入れることが重要との認識が広がって(きて)います。




ESG投資 新しい資本主義のかたち

ESG投資 新しい資本主義のかたち


 This book describes about what ESG is and means to our lives.  It is so understandale that I could capture what is going on in financial world a little bit better.  ESG stands for Environment, Sustainability and Cooperate Governance, which are being revcognized important as indicator that evaulates investment.

Now, why is ESG so important? I think it is not a so brand new idea and by thinking so, you will be able to understand it better.  There have been a variety of investment indicators, the three of which have been increased in their value recently.  This is because the three factors are getting closely related to our urgent issues such as environment issues and the way of working and so on.  And this is also because investors are companies efforts for survive in the modern world that has a number of issues above.

Money changes how society goes and the society also changes how money goes.  These two are mutually related and unseparable.  Without money, socety doesn't move, vice versa.  From this viewpoint, one of the usable way to change the society so would be to change how to use your money.

I assume that  some people say they don't want the world to change.  However, how do you like if you found your favorite world would not survive unless you change yourself in terms of finance?  In fact ,such a world is getting close to you and the foundation you have believed solid is about to about to collapse.  It would not be terrible to stop to think about your money.








This book is written by Ryotaro Shiba.

Ieyasu Tokugawa is placed as a main character, whose young age to before war at Sekigahara (one of the decisive war for the dictator of the country) was depicted.

The auther wrote in the end chapter of the book and one of the most interesting part of the book is that 'Japanese' mindset was defined by him and his era (Edo era), which means there is a clear difference between before and after Edo.  Also, this seems to be deeply connected to how he had established a piece country that continued for 260 years.  This astonishing fact probably came from 'mikawanization' of the whole country.

Mikawa was the place where Ieyasu was born and raised and he deeply understood the personalities of people from his places and applied it to the whole country.  By doing this, he was able to control the nation in piece with culture where deligency, compliance and service was embedded and this has been exiting even now through Meiji era and the wars. In fact, even now we often see this type of stereotype.  260 years had a tremendous influence that people's mindset was replaced and continue to remain.

His skills for human contorol, keep learning, bojective comprehension and self managment were so incredible that they were brought about by the time he lived. And he was undoutedly one of the Japanese type geniuses.



覇王の家(上) (新潮文庫)

覇王の家(上) (新潮文庫)




覇王の家(下) (新潮文庫)

覇王の家(下) (新潮文庫)




覇王の家(上下) 合本版

覇王の家(上下) 合本版









覇王の家 (1979年) (新潮文庫)

覇王の家 (1979年) (新潮文庫)



人生やらなくていいリスト (講談社+α文庫)











人生やらなくていいリスト (講談社+α文庫)

人生やらなくていいリスト (講談社+α文庫)


This book is about 'not to do list', but when you read it, you will realise what to do with focus. For example, there is a chapter 'you don't need friends'. However, it does not say that you will be able to accomplish something big without any help by other people. Rather, you need to continue showing your passion to realize something, which results in creating followers of you. In other words, friends are not a step for success, but a result of your passionate attitude.

Based on such kind of understanding, you may be able to make it clearer little by little what you should focus your consciousness on.

Other impressing phrases are like, ' you don't choose a dream killer as a the first person for you to talk about your idea'. This is a really critical point.  A dream killer is a person who deny almost everything he/she does not know well.  This kind of person should be avoided when you want to consult your idea, and you better choose a person who will stand on your side.  I think this is very fundamental and important, but at the same time, I find it difficult to take this approach everytime. This is because this kind of person is often settled in a position of your boss and suprevisor, which means you can not avoid him easily. So in this case, another kind of approach will be needed.

Also, thought on majority vote is interesting.  He says that this decision system is mesures with which nobody will be blamed and responsible and that it is one of the most embarassing methods. How does he do when he decides something? He takes a opinion that is raised by a person who has the greatest enthusiasm on it.

Besides above, I was reminded of the importance of keeping on doing what you believe.

He says that what is important is not to give up and stop going, but to do something you decide to do and continue it.  This is, after all, leading to getting true friends and persons on your side.  Not only this, I thought that we should enjoy process more than just accomplish things.  Climbing up to the top of a mountain is not only a goal, but seeing scenery while going is also an essential element that shapes you. Feelig this and living your life are a way for your better life.




気候カジノ 経済学から見た地球温暖化問題の最適解




気候カジノ 経済学から見た地球温暖化問題の最適解

気候カジノ 経済学から見た地球温暖化問題の最適解


 What does climate change problem mean?

What approach do we have to solve it?

He starts with very basic points like definision and talking about solusion using the facts and numbers.

I think this book will be helpful for all thar are interested in climate change, and rather I want people who dont have an interest in it to read this book.













 This book is written by the Goto, who is the vocalist of the band 'Asian Kang fu generation'.

I think that he is a person who see things in the society from obective persoective.  Especially, an interesting topic is 'talking about something that is not binary' in this sense.  The essay mentioned nuclear power generation, which should be diminished even though we are heavily depending on the nuclear power in terms of convenient lives in urban society.  He is talking about direction, not solution.  Moreover, he mentions that talking about direction is talking about ideal.  Talking about ieal is not talking about something binary between Yes and No.  Looking back on the nuclear power, is not about agree or disagree.  However, if safety is the most important to human being, nuclear should be abolished in the long term because it would not be accepted that we continue to use something that is expected to treated in the middle of nowhere and somthing that will cause tremendous disaster once accident happens.

Another thing is that our future does not exist on the simple extension line of reality.

Of course, we can not imagin the future without being based on the reality, but we need to take a step away from the simple extension to get closer to ideal.  This movement cause opposition.  Still we need to move towards the ideal direction if everyone believe this is the right way to go.  At the same time. there will be need to take care of pains and criticism.  Compensation may be needed in some cases.

Such positive movement can not be seen in Japan, at all?  Of course, Yes is the answer. We see various movements in our society, but the problem is that this kind of movement does not become a stream here.  Why?  This is probably becsuse of system we have.  We tend to seek for prescription that is effective to all diseases without side effect and pains.  There is an aspect that this way of thinking have improved our economy and society, but this could be a poison to get away from reality to different dimension.  This phenomenon can be seen everywhere.

Woulld it be impossible to change this situation?  As mentioned earlier, we don't have cure-all medicine.  But, I think we have something we can do.  It is what we can do that every one of us is conscious of making environment where we can imagine something ideal and talk about it.  In other words it is about arranging the environment that accept divers opinion like `I like this one better than now` and prepare the environment where we realize such diverse opinions move our society to the better way than when we don't have.


In April new people come to your office after graduating from school.  There are tens of thouasnds of people.  But we are in more numbers than new comers.  I think we need to welome them so that they say anything without hesitation.






世界をこの目で (角川文庫)

世界をこの目で (角川文庫)



The title is all that is important: see the world through your own eyes.

There are thrill that can be described only by the person who have seen and experienced things.

One of the most impressive chapter to me was 'living until I become a writer and living as a writer.'