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古賀史健がまとめた糸井重里のこと。 (ほぼ日文庫)









古賀史健がまとめた糸井重里のこと。 (ほぼ日文庫)

古賀史健がまとめた糸井重里のこと。 (ほぼ日文庫)


 I realized Itoi is composed of a wide range of influence from a variety of people.

Embrace when you are alone.

I don't trust a person who don't have time when you think of something by his own.


Don't pretend to think.


When you do something good, maybe you should think you are doing something bad.

That's a good balance for human.


Mr. Iwai doesn't pretend to be a great person, thinks about something constructive and takes initiative to something other people don't want to do.


If you have three persons who you think is important for you and they turst you, 

you don't need anything more.


There might be a special meaning in obtaining ISO.

But, through this process, knowing such rules makes you feel like you have to  sit up straight.  This can change the atmosphere of the company.


続・僕たちが何者でもなかった頃の話をしよう (文春新書)

This book is composed of speeches and dialogues between the speakers and the moderator.

Of them, the most impressive speaker was Oriza Hirata.

He is a theater director. 

His words easily got into my mind and was convincing.

How interesting communication is?

You will be surprised at how you think when you run into different cultures and differnt values and how your languages are recieved by them.

This is the interesting point of communication.

What is a good communication with children?

You should accept the context where your children are.

Moreover, you should send a signal that you accep the context.

Don't waste your life without intention, rather waste it beautifully.

I thought this made you start thinking how you can do in order to do it "beautifully".

This may lead you to productive way.

You should take an ability to change a job, not get a job.

By doing so, you can create your place in a fllexible manner in a company.

From sympathy to empathy. 







What is being adult to you?

This question seems to be easy, but is difficult.

So, are you adult ?

Why do you think so?

What do you think is the meaning of being adult?


This book is trying to answer these question.

Perhaps, this book is fof children and young adults, but meanigful to everyone regardless of age.


There are several points I want to remind you.


It is important to return to real yourself by getting back your sense in childhood once you become adult.

 This is because the sense in childhood is a compass to lead your life.   For example, you could remember something that was painful to and desolated you.  You could think about why does is desolate you.  By doing so, you would be able to see yourself from an objective aspect.

What is important at this momment is to recognize the fact and try not to neglect the fact.

What have you come to the world for?

 This is for knowing yourself completely.

Doing this, you could be of help for other people.

This is the design of society.

Live 100%

You should sharpen your sense inside while being relaxed.

Otherwise, it engangers you.

Think about what surrounds you.

 Start from your close surroundings.  And what have you been born for? What do you live for?  Thinking about this leads your future to becoming obvious.

If you are too specific to oneh thing, you will not be able to flexible to other things and will not be able to see things from different points of view.

What is self independence? 

What judges you whether you are indepenent or not is whether you have solved problems without consulting your parents, borthers and sisters.









The way of thinking shown in this book is very interesting.

Also, it is important and will be more important to have such a way of thinking as a basic knowledge.

However, for me. this book was too difficult to understand comprehensively what the book is trying to say.  This made me realize that I am a person who does not have relevant knowledge and remind me of the sense of behind the game.

逆転交渉術 2



「ノー」の理由 (Reason for "No")

When someone resopond to your opinion by "No", there are several reason.

    • he is not ready to agree
    • he is not comfortable with your opinion
    • he does not understand what you are trying to say
    • he is looking for another thing
    • he needs more information
    • he wants to consult with other persons



Then, let's see how we can start with this "No".

狙いを定めた自由回答式の質問(Open ended question to the point)

This is a killer method to start from "No".

Let's see examples of open questions.

You dont use "Why" and Yes-No question. You do use "What" and "How".

This leads him to using his brain to answer thequestion, resulting in guding him to where you want.

Is this similar to what you expect?

->How does it seems like?

->What do you think if it is (not) useful?


Why did you do it?

-> What make you do it?



    • What can help to make it baetter?
    • How do you want to proceed this?
    • What has brought about this situation?
    • How can we solve this problem?
    • What do you want to achieve?
    • How can we do it?
    • How valuable is it?
    • What is the core of this problem?
    • What is the most difficult problem you are facing?

These questions are not a strategy but a tool for you to make them think towards where you are want to direct.

You could structure the open ended questions by backcasting from where you want to reach.





captivate 最強の人間関係術

This book is a comprehnsive summary of development of human connection.

What is beneficial is that a lot of practical tips are introduced here.

For example, what i was impressed by is how to make a mini stroy.

A lot of books, especially langage educatinal books sote the importance of mini stories.  They attract people and remind them of yourself.  But no matter how important I know a mini strory is, I have not understood how to make it.  I have almost gave up.

However, this book analyses how a mini story is structured and made it clear how to make it.  A mini story is consist of 4 parts: hook, conflict, unique language and boomerang.

hook: provokative question, itimulating langage and vague opinion that arouse people's curiosity.

conflict & difficulty: issues and problems to be solved, something challenging you have to overcome. This is a small tool that creates tense.

unique: stimulating words that has reality and  expressed something vivid.

hook: I saw a very wonderful scene while drving.

          I ran into a really handsome person a couple of month ago.

conflict: suddenly I saw ~

              you may think I am ~, but acutually I am ~

unique: that was reallly ~, I can not forget it.


(to be continued)

CAPTIVATE 最強の人間関係術

CAPTIVATE 最強の人間関係術






This book is born from practical situation, not theory.

The author has been working in the FBI, which means he has been working in a dead-or -alive situation.

This is the reason why the method he enlightens us works in a severe situation.


Acutally, I have not finished reading this book yet. However, it has a lot of tips that inspires me to try using.  That is why I'm writing here what I tried using one of the methods mentioned in the book and talk about the results of the try.


The first tip is to repeat the words the other person was saying.  This tips helps me to get information if you don't have enough to decide something.

The situation I faced today is in a barber shop.  I decided the hairstyle and sat on the chair saying '2 block'.  The barber said to me, "OK, but how much should I cut?". And then, I answered "I wonder how much should be cut." The barber said "how about 1 or 2 cm? It is the length that has extended since your last cut." I answered "Please do it, but I care about a little bit about the balance when it extends."  She responded "If so, I recommend more cut on side, and you'll have better balance".

By this conversation, I was able to get information about hair style that fits me better.

I may not say that I managed to use the method properly, but it was fun when I am aware how I am going to respond in any conversation.








I watched the movie "Like dad, like son".


I sensed that this was a movie that made me think how you will respond to and accept something that is not controled by you.  In this movie, children were exchanged after birth at a hospital mistakenly.  6 years after the incident, a geneic survey revealed the fact.  The families wondered how to do.

When you face the situation, which do you choose? Will you choose your genetic chilld that has been raised by the other family or a non genetic child that you have been raising?  There may be a clear answer to this and it would depend on the situation you will face. 

However, I think it is worth to think about what makes you belongs to your family: gene or environment.  I don't also know what defines you as a father, but when I watched the movie, I thought that your children made you their father.  What I mean by this is that you are a father if your child accepts that you are a father. It doesn't matter whether you have a blood connection or not. This is the time you can become a father in a real sense. 








When you graduate from the university and begin to work, you will deeply feel that you have difficulty having a sense of self-affirmation.  The reason for this is that you get evaluated by others about your working performance.  Certainly, you may have compliment, but you will probably get told off by your boss much more frequenty.  If you are able to think of yourself to be valuable, you will manage to live in any circumstances.

However, this is really difficult.  This is because you are not willing to continue having self-confidence even though you find your weak points by getting pointed out.  Nonetheless, you - only you-  have to think of yourself to a person who has some value.

So, you will wonder how you can have such a confidence.  What can you do so that you are not afraid that you get evaluated by others?  One of the answers is that you focus on the present.  It seems that the fear derives from your memory in the past.  You need to concentrate what you are doing now with the memeory separated.  I believe you can proceed.  






I don't know と I'm not sure (=I'm unsure)

何か聞かれて分からない、ということはあると思います。そんな時、I don't know.ってすぐ浮かんできますよね。でも、実はネイティブにはこのように聞こえるんだそうです。

I don't know.:そのことについて、知識は全くありません。

I'm not sure.:十分な意見を述べるほどには十分ではないけれども、多少の知識はある。


I'm not sureであれば、後ろに、

I'm not sure, but let me find out.


I can't(できません)とは言わない。


I'm having difficulty ~(finding your email).


Well, John, It's been really nice speaking [talking] with you.  I especially enjoyed hearing about your interest in your work [family /art/ trip].  But I need to see a few more people beore it gets too late. [You must want to talk with some othe people, so perhaps we should minge a bit more.] Maybe we'll have a chance to talk more later.  It was great to meet(初対面) / so good to see(2回目以降) you!






日本人の知らないワンランク上のビジネス英語術 エール大学厳選30講

日本人の知らないワンランク上のビジネス英語術 エール大学厳選30講

  • 作者: ウィリアム・A・ヴァンス,神田房枝(監訳)
  • 出版社/メーカー: CCCメディアハウス
  • 発売日: 2011/03/29
  • メディア: 単行本
  • 購入: 5人 クリック: 29回
  • この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る