pleetm's blog







This book's suggestion is based on facts and data. What's disappointing is that we don't have atomosphere where we can discuss based on such objective information, in paticular policy making.

Ironically, there is a place where evidence-based approach is used.  It is when we decide not to try something again.  We often tend to think less about why we failed to do and we easily conclued the goal setting was not appropriate.  Moreover, if we are denied about what we wanted to do, we tend to stick on it ugrily.

What I found more than the objective approach was passion.  I got  aware that passion is an indispencable thing.  The author Ataka never gives up, and persistently heading toward the goal.  The passion is a strong driving force.

And the source of the drivig force might be a visionVision is not something we build by bottom-up approach.  Something we can share, free to interpret individually and inclusive.  That's something we are not good at doing, but we have to face it. For the sake of that, I wish I could continue thinking.