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第2図書係補佐 (幻冬舎よしもと文庫)

第2図書係補佐 (幻冬舎よしもと文庫)

  • 作者:又吉 直樹
  • 発売日: 2011/11/23
  • メディア: 文庫

 This book assorts reviews of the Author Matayoshi.

When you read this book, you will be able to see something you find in his novels.  This suggest me that his novel can origin from what he read.

What was interesting was that he doesn't touch upon contents of books.  Reading books, he connects his thoughts and experience to make sentences and novels.  It is beyond imagination, rather it is explosion of his personality. 

Each person tend to abide by social norms to an extent.  Many people can easily adjust themselves to it and don't feel stressed that much, but there might be some people that suffer from the framework.  If you allow the system to invade inside of yourself, you might not able to retain yourself in stable form.

To prevent this, you should keep your mind free.  You shouldn't pose limit on your mind.  Novelists are probably who could keep protecting their mind as if parent birds nurture thier children.