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また、自分には特別な経験はない、と思っている人もいるかもしれませんが、本書には、「人の役に立つ情報は誰もが持っているはず」と書かれています。 この点はまさにそのとおりだと思いますが、同時に人の役に立つように伝える能力や、何が人の役立つのか、に気づく能力もとても大事だと思いました。そのあたりが本書の著者の方が優れているのだと思います。

転職と副業のかけ算 生涯年収を最大化する生き方

転職と副業のかけ算 生涯年収を最大化する生き方

  • 作者:moto
  • 出版社/メーカー: 扶桑社
  • 発売日: 2019/08/09
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

 This book will be useful to all working people whether or not you think of changing jobs and starting side jobs.  This is because reading it will help you take a look at how you should behave in your organization.  This reminds you of the importance of market value of you.  Moreover, this will help you install into yourself 'salary is not what you can get from a company, but what you earn by your competence'.

Saying so is easy and doing is tough.  In spite of that, awareness is essentially important becuse this will make you think about 'what you can do as an individual'.

Also, he says 'everyone has something informative to someone'.  This words are encouraging, and at the ame time the ability to deliver the information to people in a usuful manner and what will be useful to someone else.  This would be hisu unique advantage over other people.