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実際の事業を運営するための教科書としても非常に参考になりました。自分なら、 どこに本屋を置くか、どうやって宣伝するか、どんな人にきてもらいたいか。本書では、「実は、みんな本を紹介されたがっている」と書かれていました。確かにそうだと思います。でも、僕は反対もあるのではないか、と思いました。「実は、人は本を紹介したがっている。」のではないか。「この本は自分は好きだけど、人には。。」という本があったり、「この本を世界中の人が読めばいいのに。」という本をお持ちの方もいるのではないでしょうか。もし、自分が本屋をやるなら、だれもが自分の好きな本をお勧めできるコーナーを作りたいと思います。自分が本を紹介した棚があって、その本の売れ方をみたり、感想を聞けたりしたら、面白くないでしょうか。


本屋、はじめました 増補版 (ちくま文庫)

本屋、はじめました 増補版 (ちくま文庫)




本屋、はじめました: 新刊書店Title開業の記録

本屋、はじめました: 新刊書店Title開業の記録

  • 作者:辻山 良雄
  • 出版社/メーカー: 苦楽堂
  • 発売日: 2017/01/24
  • メディア: 単行本

 I have begun a book store.

I wish I could say so.  When reading, I find myself thinking of what my bookstore will be, where it will be loated, and what people will come there.  Also, it makes me think about how I have been related to books and bookstores.

I was born and raised in a rural area, which gave me less opportunities to visit a huge bookstrore and I used to go to small bookstores nearby.  Most of the bookstores don't run any longer, but when I was young, they were still open so that I often visit there.  What reminds me of would be a bookstore near my station.  It was not a special bookstore at all and thier inventory was not so unusual that it always showed me the same face.  In fact, it doesn't always sell new books and popolar books, and in particular, its paper back corner looked like a fossil.  There were Tanizaki, Mishima, Abe's books that seemed to remain not being bought by anyone for a long time.

I think, however, this gave me a relief somehow.  I was there after a part time job, school and cram school.  Althouth the book faces looked the same, I picked up different books day to day. I don't know why it was, but I think that the bookstore reflected myself inside of me and showed me a different aspects, whicn made me find a slight change of myself.  Moreover, it accepted the change however it was.

Apart from the bookstore, there were some bookstores in my memory.  The bookstore in a department store I brought by my mother felt like a very special place to me, the booksotre on the third floor of the supermarket let me read a book sitting instead of not allowing me to reading standing, and the bookstore near my grandfather's house was a good memory, where I bought a book and read it on one go for the first time when people around me looked happy, whch was what I remember.

I think there was such a place at every station and in every town.  It might not be a bookstore, but to me, it was a bookstore.

The author was also impressed by a bookstore experience in his young age and he has been cherishing it and put it into running a bookstore.


If you read the book, you will find 'everyone want someone to introduce his recommended books', but I think the opposite may be also the case. It is ''everyone want to recommend his/her books.'  Perhaps people want to know if his favorite books are liked by others, and some people may wish this book would be read by all people of the world. If I ran a bookstore, I would set up a shelf where anyone recommend his favorite books along with some description.  Don't you thinks it would be interesting if you have your own shelf in somebody's bookstore? Wouldn't it be interesting if you can see and hear the reaction of the readers?