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Giri/Haji Trailer (BBC Two)


It’s on Netflix in association with BBC.

Usually Japan that is depicted by other countries is different from what it is and what you know. I often feel it when I see movies and videos that handle japan. But it was beyond my anticipation. Japan and Japanese looked very natural to Japanese. It led me to being immersed with the story itself.

The story is about Japanese yakuza and mafia in UK.  A person stepped himself into the world of yakuza. Although he is a good person actually, he was getting confined into the world as he struggled. I thought it was meant by the title of the drama ‘duty and shame’. It is depicting the world of yakuza, but I think most people feel the same sort of emotion in their daily lives. For example, in the case that you are trying to fix human relationship among some people, you tend to try not to offend all people in relation. But the harder you try, the more tangled the situation will be. And as a result, you found that you had offended all people after all and you regret that. If you could back the time, you might have changed something, or you might have chosen different options at that time. But, of course you can’t go back to the past, you have only to look forward, then you fail something again. I found the strength to live in spite of regret. That was heavy, but I felt it was filled with wish.

I promise you will watch all the eisodes in one go!