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奇跡の人 The Miracle Worker (双葉文庫)

奇跡の人 The Miracle Worker (双葉文庫)


This book is originated by the story of Helen Keler with integrating her own idea by setting the place in Japan.

Needless to say, the original story is impressive and her arrangement resulted in making the story further insihgtful as if it were totally differnt story in a good sense.

What I found interesting is that spoiling too much would be more o hindrance o growth of children rather than a help.  This point is very well descrived.  In fact, spoiling sometimes limits the growth of children because if you believe in your children, you should nabvigate them to the direction they are headed to.  The role of support would be important for parents to keep whiling caring for them.

This is not only for children, but applied for people in general. And the book made me find again the importance of believing the others.  This is common sense, but often difficult to have.