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メモの魔力 The Magic of Memos (NewsPicks Book)

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This is about taking notes on everything you see and making best use of them.  But if you expect that you will be able to see 'know how' on taking notes, maybe this book is a right choice for you.  It is not saying about 'know how', but expressing why takin notes is so useful for you, which is very enthusiastically decribed through his experiece.  

One of the things noted in this book many times is to process abstracting facts.  Once you take notes on fact you are taking care of, then the next step is to try to find out abstract rules and principles from the facts.  The excercise will lead you to finding new ideas.

Another suggestion from the book is that you will be able to go ahead more than others.  In other words, even if you have a sense that you will not be able to do anything you want to do here, you should enjoy the process of trying to something to achieve your ideas.  This is my interpretation and I think this would be worthwhile.

Personally, this year I am going to put my thinking into words in a diary and therfore this book gave me meaningful suggestion in this regard.

メモの魔力 The Magic of Memos (NewsPicks Book)

メモの魔力 The Magic of Memos (NewsPicks Book)