pleetm's blog


古賀史健がまとめた糸井重里のこと。 (ほぼ日文庫)









古賀史健がまとめた糸井重里のこと。 (ほぼ日文庫)

古賀史健がまとめた糸井重里のこと。 (ほぼ日文庫)


 I realized Itoi is composed of a wide range of influence from a variety of people.

Embrace when you are alone.

I don't trust a person who don't have time when you think of something by his own.


Don't pretend to think.


When you do something good, maybe you should think you are doing something bad.

That's a good balance for human.


Mr. Iwai doesn't pretend to be a great person, thinks about something constructive and takes initiative to something other people don't want to do.


If you have three persons who you think is important for you and they turst you, 

you don't need anything more.


There might be a special meaning in obtaining ISO.

But, through this process, knowing such rules makes you feel like you have to  sit up straight.  This can change the atmosphere of the company.