pleetm's blog



What is being adult to you?

This question seems to be easy, but is difficult.

So, are you adult ?

Why do you think so?

What do you think is the meaning of being adult?


This book is trying to answer these question.

Perhaps, this book is fof children and young adults, but meanigful to everyone regardless of age.


There are several points I want to remind you.


It is important to return to real yourself by getting back your sense in childhood once you become adult.

 This is because the sense in childhood is a compass to lead your life.   For example, you could remember something that was painful to and desolated you.  You could think about why does is desolate you.  By doing so, you would be able to see yourself from an objective aspect.

What is important at this momment is to recognize the fact and try not to neglect the fact.

What have you come to the world for?

 This is for knowing yourself completely.

Doing this, you could be of help for other people.

This is the design of society.

Live 100%

You should sharpen your sense inside while being relaxed.

Otherwise, it engangers you.

Think about what surrounds you.

 Start from your close surroundings.  And what have you been born for? What do you live for?  Thinking about this leads your future to becoming obvious.

If you are too specific to oneh thing, you will not be able to flexible to other things and will not be able to see things from different points of view.

What is self independence? 

What judges you whether you are indepenent or not is whether you have solved problems without consulting your parents, borthers and sisters.