pleetm's blog














 This book is written by the Goto, who is the vocalist of the band 'Asian Kang fu generation'.

I think that he is a person who see things in the society from obective persoective.  Especially, an interesting topic is 'talking about something that is not binary' in this sense.  The essay mentioned nuclear power generation, which should be diminished even though we are heavily depending on the nuclear power in terms of convenient lives in urban society.  He is talking about direction, not solution.  Moreover, he mentions that talking about direction is talking about ideal.  Talking about ieal is not talking about something binary between Yes and No.  Looking back on the nuclear power, is not about agree or disagree.  However, if safety is the most important to human being, nuclear should be abolished in the long term because it would not be accepted that we continue to use something that is expected to treated in the middle of nowhere and somthing that will cause tremendous disaster once accident happens.

Another thing is that our future does not exist on the simple extension line of reality.

Of course, we can not imagin the future without being based on the reality, but we need to take a step away from the simple extension to get closer to ideal.  This movement cause opposition.  Still we need to move towards the ideal direction if everyone believe this is the right way to go.  At the same time. there will be need to take care of pains and criticism.  Compensation may be needed in some cases.

Such positive movement can not be seen in Japan, at all?  Of course, Yes is the answer. We see various movements in our society, but the problem is that this kind of movement does not become a stream here.  Why?  This is probably becsuse of system we have.  We tend to seek for prescription that is effective to all diseases without side effect and pains.  There is an aspect that this way of thinking have improved our economy and society, but this could be a poison to get away from reality to different dimension.  This phenomenon can be seen everywhere.

Woulld it be impossible to change this situation?  As mentioned earlier, we don't have cure-all medicine.  But, I think we have something we can do.  It is what we can do that every one of us is conscious of making environment where we can imagine something ideal and talk about it.  In other words it is about arranging the environment that accept divers opinion like `I like this one better than now` and prepare the environment where we realize such diverse opinions move our society to the better way than when we don't have.


In April new people come to your office after graduating from school.  There are tens of thouasnds of people.  But we are in more numbers than new comers.  I think we need to welome them so that they say anything without hesitation.






世界をこの目で (角川文庫)

世界をこの目で (角川文庫)



The title is all that is important: see the world through your own eyes.

There are thrill that can be described only by the person who have seen and experienced things.

One of the most impressive chapter to me was 'living until I become a writer and living as a writer.'








When I read a book authored by Rampo Edogawa,  I am always surprised by the preciseness of the language he uses.  He can decribe a scene and feelings of characters in a pretty much accurate way.  This leads me to a new discovery in Japnese.

That is, however, illustrating that we, Japanese people living in the modern sociey has a linguistic literacy declined.  That is why both senders and receivers of the language can be easily misunderstood.

There would be partly because he was especially into crime novels overseas just like his wrinting name was after Edgar Alan Po. This might make him use much more precise Japanes than expeced.










下り坂をそろそろと下る (講談社現代新書)













世界一わかりやすい 「公務員」の不動産投資術




This book recommends that used apartment should be the first choice if you are interested in investing real estates.

In this book, various patterns of real estates are explained depending on whether it is new or used,  condominium, apartments  or one-room apartments so that it is very helpful if you are thinking of beginning investing.

I thought I have to read other books in relation to invest to real estates to understand better on it.


世界一わかりやすい 「公務員」の不動産投資術

世界一わかりやすい 「公務員」の不動産投資術



学生との対話 (新潮文庫)






This is communicatin-styled writing between Mr. Kobayashi and students and it is easy to understand.  So, this is right choice if you want to get entry into Kobayashi books.


As students question to Kobayahsi, those questions are not necessarily interesting and to the point, but Kobayashi was always trying to understand better where they stand, asking questions to them in turn.  This process made them think more deeply, which made me feel that Kobayashi is greatly high in asking qustions and eager to know better about students he talked with.  This was very impressivve to me.

Also, he didn't say yes about just getting knowledge on something and he explained very hard in th chapter reagarding 'knowing history'.  He ecpressed that knowing history is remembering well. For the purpose, he noted that you should keep learning until you imagine the situation in your mind.  In other words, knowing history is  to know the way in which those in the past experience events and the way in which they perceive the events.  

This is a very insghtfull answer on what learning is, what knowing is and what academism is.



学生との対話 (新潮文庫)

学生との対話 (新潮文庫)








メモの魔力 The Magic of Memos (NewsPicks Book)

いわゆるメモのノウハウを知りたい人には向かないと思います。なので、帯にある「メモ術」というのは正確でないように思います。それ以上に、メモによる効能、そして、ご自身の経験を通じたメモへの熱意が伝わってくるので、 読んで損することはないと思います。





This is about taking notes on everything you see and making best use of them.  But if you expect that you will be able to see 'know how' on taking notes, maybe this book is a right choice for you.  It is not saying about 'know how', but expressing why takin notes is so useful for you, which is very enthusiastically decribed through his experiece.  

One of the things noted in this book many times is to process abstracting facts.  Once you take notes on fact you are taking care of, then the next step is to try to find out abstract rules and principles from the facts.  The excercise will lead you to finding new ideas.

Another suggestion from the book is that you will be able to go ahead more than others.  In other words, even if you have a sense that you will not be able to do anything you want to do here, you should enjoy the process of trying to something to achieve your ideas.  This is my interpretation and I think this would be worthwhile.

Personally, this year I am going to put my thinking into words in a diary and therfore this book gave me meaningful suggestion in this regard.

メモの魔力 The Magic of Memos (NewsPicks Book)

メモの魔力 The Magic of Memos (NewsPicks Book)



キネマの神様 (文春文庫)







One of the most significant person in this novel is a father of the main character, who was addicted with gambling and started to writing a blog on movies he had seen on the Internet.  The critisism had attention across the world.  One day, a famous critic had sent a review on his blog's criticism.  This was the beginning of their communication.


The comversation was made through movies they like and it built a more strong trust than direct conversation can do.

Such a firm bond will make people feel fulfilled with their lives.  This is a suggestion from this book.


キネマの神様 (文春文庫)

キネマの神様 (文春文庫)



精神科医が教える 良質読書








The author is Dr. Nakoshi, who is often seen in braordcasting outlets.

I assumed he liked reading because doctors are expected to read a lot in general, but it was not true. He doesn't like reading actually.

In the case of me, reading is not burden at all and what I like doing, and therefore I have never been obsessed with the thought that I have to read something as well as it has never been felt hard to read in a habitual manner.  This book, however, seems to be very intersting in terms of how to enhance the quality of reading.


What is more important than anything is, as noted by the book, the objective of reading is to cross a boarder.  This is true to learning overall.  In other words, crossing a border is to be able to view something from multi-aspects and layers.


In many cases, reading is aming to deepening understanding in one specific field, but if you see readin as crossing a border, anything you read will interact each other regardless of genres of books, even if it is a novel and an academic one.


精神科医が教える 良質読書

精神科医が教える 良質読書